How To Get Back Into Regular Exercising After A Break

Reclaiming your rhythm: How to get back into regular exercising after a break
In a perfect world, we’d have a hardworking exercise routine and stick to it. But we all know that life can get in the way and many things can throw us off schedule. This only really becomes a problem when we hit that “exercise slump” and struggle to get out of it. Fortunately, if you’re experiencing a down phase, we’ve got a few tips to help you reclaim your rhythm.
Forgive and forget!
It’s easy to beat yourself up after taking a break, especially if it’s an extended one and you’ve noticed that fallout – but don’t do it. Instead of focusing on the negative, choose to celebrate yourself for getting back on track. Also, don’t be tempted to head back into gym and set the weights machines to right back where you left off. Pushing yourself to achieve a fitness benchmark that’s slipped is the fast track to becoming frustrated. Rather ease up on the intensity to ensure your new goals are easily achievable so you’ll leave with a sense of accomplishment, not defeat. Before you know it, you’ll be right back where you left off. There’s another reason why slow and steady wins the race. By not pushing yourself to function at your previous fitness level, you’ll reduce your risk of injury. There’s nothing worse than finally beating a slump and then having to take a break again because you’ve strained a muscle. In this case, doing less will lead to more gains later on.
A little goes a long way
Another way to beat a prolonged exercise break is to be aware of the reason you took it in the first place. Sometimes it’s due to factors that are out of our control but in many instances, once you identify a reason it can be remedied. For example, if you got too busy to attend your favourite HIIT class so you stopped working out altogether, that doesn’t need to happen again. A little bit of exercise each day is better than none at all, so consider investing in hand weights you can use at home or roll out your yoga mat to perform a few poses.
Doing just 15 minutes of exercise at home every other day will keep your body dialled in and make it easier to get back to the gym when your schedule starts to clear. Another reason why many women hit a slump is a lack of inspiration. In this case, it’s time to mix it up so challenge yourself to try something out of your comfort zone, be it a Belly Dance or Boxing class.
Empower yourself with a friend
A lot of the time, your workout is enjoyable and once you’re into it, you love it and you leave with a sense of accomplishment. The part you don’t look forward to, however, is the moment you have to create the momentum to get to the gym. This is where having a friend to work out with can become a game changer. When you know you’ve got someone waiting for you at the gym, you’ll see your accountability skyrocket.
You could also consider working out with one of our personal trainers. This way, you’ll get to enjoy the same sense of accountability that you’d get from exercising with a friend, but also benefit from their expert knowledge to help you reach your full potential. They’re also skilled at the art of inspiring motivation to ensure you stay on track.