CrossFit Classes a Top Pick for Women in Dubai

In the last decade, every time we witnessed the rapid glow up of a male celebrity about to make a splash as an onscreen superhero (hello Chris Hemsworth!) they’d attribute their perfectly-sculpted bodies to CrossFit. Naturally, the fitness regime soon gained a reputation for being a bit of a “boys club”. However, the moment Gal Gadot revealed that the workout helped her transform into Wonder Woman – in as little as one hour a day – CrossFit became a top choice for any women wanting to transform their bodies, dramatically improve their strength and feel on top of their game.
What is CrossFit?
Essentially a form of high intensity interval training, a CrossFit class puts the focus on constantly varied functional movement performed at high intensity.
In the fitness sphere, “functional movement” can mean something different to everybody, but in the world of CrossFit, it’s defined as performing natural movements that you’d use every day, such as a deadlift or air squat to pick up something up off the floor. In short, the workout aims to help you develop the muscles you’ll use for real life tasks, rather than focus on an obscure one that you’d only target in a gym.
The core of the matter
One of the most alluring things about a CrossFit class at FitnGlam is that they’re fantastically varied. As you’ll be performing different movements every time, this encourages your muscles to constantly adapt and ensures you get a full body workout.
Still, you’ll find a CrossFit class, much like Pilates, really focuses on your core as almost every functional movement, performed at its peak, requires excellent core strength. The pay-offs include improved stability, better posture and the easing of back pain. Also, when you have a strong core, you’re much less likely to injure yourself when you go about those daily tasks. If you’ve ever picked up a heavy bag of groceries and immediately felt your back lock into a spasm, your body is telling you it’s time to make core strength a priority.
Ready for lift off!
Weight lifting is another key element of CrossFit and it’s a complete myth that this can lead to women looking bulky. In fact, it’s completely the opposite. Weight lifting is essential to increasing your lean muscle mass and, the more you have, the more calories you’ll burn throughout the day. So, if you include a little weight lifting with your cardio workout – or enjoy a CrossFit class that combines the best of both – you’ll shift fat fast. This is why CrossFit is an excellent choice for anyone on a weight loss journey.
Still, the benefits of lifting weights don’t stop there. Research has shown that strength training helps regulate your sex hormones and improve your bone density, making it a must for all women, especially those who are about to enter perimenopause or have a family history of osteoporosis.
Work out like a gymnast
Something else that’s included in a CrossFit class? Gymnastics! You’ll be learning the basics, such as core strengthening drills, push-ups and even get to master your first pull up as well as advancing to more complex gymnastic movements like handstands and ring support holds. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to bring a thing – all the equipment you’ll use is waiting in our studio for you.)
The pay-off of this gymnastics-inspired aspect is an improvement in your flexibility, coordination, balance, and strength but there are psychological benefits too. Think increased cognitive function, motor skills and concentration.
The bottom line
At the end of the day, CrossFit is a brilliant blend of cardiovascular conditioning, weightlifting, and gymnastics making it a well-rounded work out builds muscle, melts fat and enhances your strength and endurance. In a short amount of time, you’ll achieve a beautifully toned, sleek silhouette while empowering yourself with confidence. Better yet, you’ll never get bored!